History of Logos
The history of logos goes back to ancient family crests, hieroglyphs and symbolism. Early versions of logos developed in the Middle Ages (around 1300 AD), as shops and pubs used signage to represent what they did. The first modern logo designs were created in the early 1900s, evolving alongside mass printing.

Some Famous Logos Over Time:

This are the famous logos of the brands we’ve come to know and love.For that purpose, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite world-famous logos with hidden meanings.


Simple = better, at least in Apple’s case. The tech conglomerate moved from an elaborate, detailed emblem to a simple, single-colored icon of an apple with a bite taken out of it. Their current logo is sleek, to the point, and easy to remember – all the things a logo should be.


As it was originally called, “Toyoda” has had three very different logos over its 84-year lifespan. The company called for a logo design competition just three years after its founding, leading to a red logo featuring Japanese characters that make up the word “Toyota”.

In the late ‘80’s, however, the Toyota emblem we all know and love was introduced to the public, and it has remained their trademark logo ever since.

Burger King

The hamburger franchise moved from mascot-oriented fun to an explicit image of a bun, which they’ve tweaked over the years in font and color in order to give the burger logo a more “global” feel.


Another logo that remained relatively consistent over time, Nike’s infamous “swoosh” was always here to stay. However, as the company brand grew, that symbol became so famous on its own that the sportswear company was able to drop their name from the logo entirely.


After moving away from its initial design, this brand’s logo has essentially preserved the same font, three stripes and (lack of) colors – simply changing its icon over the years. The strict black and white palette Adidas has used in every version makes for a striking and universally recognized logo design.